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White grapefruit diet -

20-12-2016 à 09:10:43
White grapefruit diet
The whole point of the original article (where is it by the way, it was so long ago) was to illustrate the synthetic chemical nature of GFSE and that it is not a natural substance. But not enough for it to constitute an ingredient. Taking an antimicrobial for the rest of your life will cause problems with your guts and then your digestion and then your overall health because it will kill the natural bacteria in your gut. Gutierrez has a problem with the branding of Grapefruit Seed Extract or Citricidal as a natural supplement and a natural preservative for other products when it would appear that it contains synthetic substances. Again, Benzethonium Chloride is not mentioned anywhere in the patent nor is the word preservative. Anything one consumes in too higher a dose can make one ill. (which the health shop owner said i should just take as ususal with water). Marianne, your article is inaccurate and very misleading and should be retracted. Colloidal silver products are made of tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid — the same type of precious metal used in jewelry, dental fillings, silverware and other consumer goods. This compound comprised 8. Your diet may need looking at to check what good oils and good fats you are consuming that help to keep the body healthy. Therefore it may be the ascorbic acid that the product contains causing your discomfort than the product itself. But you can also find a lot of information out there that advises against the use of colloidal silver. I am here to report the latest news in diet and fitness for Diet. I stumbled on it by chance and it has transformed my health. com. Feel free to give your two cents about. This is where I originally (back in 2006) got my information from: they say. Grapefruit seeds do not have antimicrobial properties which was demonstrated by my lap report when bacteria and yeast grew. I apologise but I cannot agree with you and if I am to allow your comment to appear on my website I feel I need to address what you have stated for the sake of those who read this website. If she has in fact proved that Citricidal as a consumable product contains Benzethonium Chloride, then I would agree that the product no longer has a place in our health shops. Benzethonium chloride is present at a concentration of 8. Colloidal silver products may also interact with medications, including penicillamine, quinolone, tetracycline and thyroxine medications. I had the organic cold-pressed chemical free grapefruit seed extract tested and it grew bacteria instead of killing it. Thank you for the link to the Natural Ingredients website. You have developed an allergy or food intolerance. I repeat again, anything natural or not, can be bad for one in very high doses, but unless we are fully informed of what is in products how can we knowingly make the natural choice. Hang on, I was getting recurring strep throat. I cannot tell you how much of the Benzethonium Chloride is in Citricidal or grapefruit seed extracts or what anti-microbial is used nowadays. Major government agencies are not innocent in this, either. Citricidal or Grapefruit Seed extract is effective at destroying bacteria, virus and fungii because of a drug or synthetic chemical used in its processing, not because of the grapefruit itself. Top that with massive amounts of the correct kind of living pro-biotics. Read about the laboratory testing and an email string from companies that sell Citricidal or Grapefruit Seed extract: Ban Citricidal. I disagree with everything you say about this product. But in cases of infection I use tea-tree on my skin and spray colloidal silver in my throat for an infection. I agree with you about feeling better after taking grapefruit seed extract. I am sorry but I have to totally disagree with you Marianne, let me explain why. There is no doubt that silver is an effective topical antimicrobial product. If this is a regular occurrence (burning throat) then you may need a regular neck and shoulder massage that involves neck and throat stretches to loosen tight muscles that may be reducing the flow of lubricating fluids for the mucus membranes. Images of the result of bacterial and fungal overgrowth when using organic cold pressed grapefruit seed extract to be published soon. I hope all this helps you and thank you for commenting on my website. I am sure there are many MS sufferers that would take it in a shot. It is called Citricidal or GrapeFRUIT seed extract, which is gunge from the pips of grapefruits. Digitalis is from fox gloves and foxgloves are poisonous in large doses. The compounds in GFSE either tax my liver or cause intestinal upset to the point where it causes me to smell worse than I would with full-blown sugar fed candida. You can see the slides of this on my website. From reading the comments posted here it seems that many people are missing the point of this piece. If you want to know more about this google this website: The Weston A Price Foundation. The Mayo Clinic seem to be more cautious but The Harvard Medical school and Pubmed say something a little different. Nor is it an essential mineral, as some sellers of silver products claim. So if someone has a really bad candida growth a short term use of an antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal product may be advised. and your home town. Please listen to me, banning such powerful medicine will only make more humans like me suffer even more. 4 in a year and was told id have to get my tonsils removed then the head of microbiology where I work ( I work in a hospital lab) told me to try this as a gargle aid. You can read a lto more info about their product on their website. I hope this clarifies the Citricidal argument along with all the other information I have put here. Going to wikipedia and reading about Quaternary ammonium cations was about as far as I got. Not to be confused with Grape Seed extract which is Oil from the seeds of grapes. That can be used by the individual or in products as a preservative. For me personally, it has not put me off trying it again as my allergies have taken a turn for the worse lately. Changing my diet (avoiding added sulphites, additives and my personal allergens) and introducing a calcium and magnesium supplement, The Perrin Technique (straightened out) by a Perrin Practitioner and continued maintenance with my own Tone and Stretch routine all help me to continued wellness. This is why I have called for a ban of this product the toxicity data speaks volumes to me. This site does strongly advise that the reader does their own research to make up their own minds. Facts is both substances are toxic which is why we use them. Try eating a purer diet with absolutely no additives, meat products from kindly cared for animals. To many unknowns to have confidence in laying blame on any one particular substance. I was trying to aid a constant sensation of nausea. I saw your web page but then found another I found it interesting that you would have to take bucket loads to cause problems. Hot from the grill - this Apricot-Stuffed Chicken dish is sweet and savory. At this point one can only guess the reasons the disease manifested in your system or whether it was bacterial, viral or fungal. Many drug company executives have been arrested for altering a study to yield the desired results, that a herbal remedy is not safe or effective. Years went by since, but over the past 3-4 years, I have been having intestinal issues and have been diagnosed with candida. I seem to remember someone dying from eating a cupful of apple pips. Natural products like the olive leaf and colloidal silver may take longer to work. 03% (n ) 2) of the liquid GSE sample. I have put a link here to my book which with references demonstrates my point. I usually only added a few drops to bath water, so it was no where near dangerous in concentration. You said: With all due respect Marianne, this non-technical approach to chemistry has little validity in the real world. I greatly appreciate all the info, both for and against. Symptoms of a candida overgrowth are not pleasant to see or smell and indicate a very, very poor diet. Everything written here on this website is born from a desire to be healthier. But after that the good bacteria needs to be fed with good food to supply an environment in which they can thrive and therefore keep the bad bacteria, yeasts and candida in check. The question then becomes about the accuracy of Ms. If you think GSE is toxic wait till you see the facts about silver. Essential oils (tea tree is an essential oil) when applied to the skin in a medium such as olive oil have been found in the blood stream 12 hours later. Water is toxic if you have too much of it, as is oxygen. It is an interesting and concerning topic, one that I would never have known about had Marianne not brought it to public attention. Have you been working out and eating in moderation in order to stay fit. Oh and the best part is that ontop of you being wrong about basic chemistry, wrong about your claims about Citricidal containing Benzethonium Chloride, Nutribiotic has killed or hurt NO ONE. Then I followed that the others said, add 3 drops of GSE in your netipot, mix it up until it foams. See the toxicity report in the article above. These are Japanese studies, so we can hope that NutriBiotic is additive-free. This is an old fashioned remedy still in use today to aid the removal of toxins from the body. First it was to combat a wicked case of ringworm back in college, more recently to battle candida. My life was upside down, I could not live like all my friends anymore. The whole point of the original article was to put Citricidal or Grapefruit Seed extract firmly where it belonged as a hazardous drug not a natural product. As I have said before no-one should ingest an antibiotic substance over a long period of time. When I used organic cold pressed grapefruit seed it did not work as you have quoted. I had been blinded by the health companies selling GFSE into thinking it was a natural antimicrobial and then discovered that it was not. However my advice is that they get themselves diagnosed before attempting to resolve a potential Lyme Disease infection. It has been banned in Denmark now, only available as a topical product. Hope you can understand the position of someone who has lived through the utter hell of this and has found extreme benefit from citricidal, I am also very chemically sensitive and also now practice some energy based testing, both of which would have indicated a strong reaction if there was an harmful chemical within GFSE. Synthetic chemicals are bad and if I can avoid them or reduce them I will for the sake of my poor health which is so much better since reducing synthetic chemicals. I came across this blog when looking for a site to buy Citricidal. Fabric impregnated with silver is sometimes used as a dressing for wounds or skin infections. Rarely, excessive doses of colloidal silver can cause possibly irreversible serious health problems, including kidney damage and neurological problems such as seizures. I have answered below in between your sentences. I know Citricidal or grapefruit seed extract is popular. My response: A scientist I know would agree with you. Even the best medicines that ARE proven are only proven to a degree of a small majority and we ignore the negative health implications of taking those. GSE also helps fight candida and I will not ingest a heavy metal for more than a few days as I would be worried about toxicity. So applying tea tree in olive oil to the skin may help with infections. I think it means 4 and one half drops which is a bizarre amount, 1 to 3 times a day. I do use anti-microbial products but with extreme caution including any prescribed to me by my GP. Avoid all cane or beet sugars and synthetic sugars. While I doubt that there is 1 gram of benzethonium chloride in a 15ml bottle of grapefruit seed extract or in the advised dilution, who knows what the accumulate effect is when taking grapefruit seed extract regularly. I hope this clears up some confusions here. The recommended amount was always 15 drops in a glass of water or fruit juice. I have taken both silver and GSE and I know the silver hurts my kidneys and liver for a few days afterward. The fungus is out of control and needs to be controlled by the consumption of good foods and avoiding those foods your body cannot tolerate at the moment. I for one would like to read more information from them. And not only that, using an antimicrobial product when one is not in great need of it, seriously damages the gut and weakens the immune system which may result in a loop of poor health, anitbiotics, furthering poor health. Hi Ben, thank you for your detailed response. Colloidal silver products are usually marketed as dietary supplements that are taken by mouth. I have nothing bad to say about this product and it the head of microbiology recommends it then Im ok with it. I have never suggested that Citricidal does not work as far as its antimicrobial properties are concerned. This was many, many years ago and I have come a long way since then. It is a joke against all those who go on about things that are good for you. What if the citricidal cured MS but shortened your life by 10 years would that still be bad. Then use extra virgin olive oil as a moisturiser to protect the area and strengthen the skin against future attacks. All reports I have read suggest that the product with benzethonium chloride should not be ingested and is only advised for topical use at percentages of 0. The gunge extracted from grapefruits that had been cold-pressed from organic grapefruits with no added drugs when tested under strict laboratory conditions in a lab grew bacteria, it did not kill it. I wish you all the best and thank you for commenting on my website. Most commonly, this results in argyria (ahr-JIR-e-uh), a blue-gray discoloration of your skin, eyes, internal organs, nails and gums. The reason why I want to get it banned is two-fold. They do contain Vitamin C and other nutrients that may boost the immune system that then may ward of an infection but this is not an antimicrobial aspect, that is immune support. (The Fibre Menace by Konstantin Monastyrsky). GFSE seems to mostly be used for anti parasitefungal and at this seems much more potent than either olive leaf or caprillic acid. You can only use GSE on certain diseases, on others it will hurt more, this is the basic of all medecines, do you think cortico steroids are worse than GSE. My response: I was not trying to be scientific or technical, just elucidating in my own way. Marianne Gutierrez has added an edit to this: Benzethonium Chloride does not have to be mentioned if it is under 10 ppm according to the Codex Standard set up by the World Health Organisation. In fact, there are thousands of clinical and anecdotal reports that Citricidal has helped many, and enjoys a safety record going back more than 30 years. I know this, because I know someone who used to work for the cancer industry. Most likely these chemicals were really found in GSE samples and the legitimate manufacturers cleaned up their product. I have mentioned this before as a substitute for grapefruit seed extract but that article is possibly buried deep within the bowels. I used colloidal silver trusting the recommendations and research of the reputable company I bought it from. One thing you may like to try is Activated Charcoal powder (in capsule form not tablet). Could not have said it better if I tried. But I have discovered since then that the nausea was caused by food additives. So given this toxic condition of the body a product that can kill bacteria, virus and fungus may make one feel better, if these infections are growing and making one feel ill, killing or reducing the bacteria, virus or fungus is not addressing the cause. If you have symptoms where you feel the need to use an antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal product you are strongly advised to see your GP for a professional diagnosis. I nearly wept with disappointment when I discovered the nasty chemical that was used. I agree with Marianne that all ingredients should be published so that the consumer knows what they are buying. Having said that, it is NEVER a good idea to take continual antibiotics because natural or not, they upset the gut which then upsets the rest of the body. Chris Lawhorn is the Resident DJ at Marie Claire magazine. Using an organic GFSE with no chemicals added to the processes at any time from growing grapefruits to squishing the seeds my infection got worse. If you are using colloidal silver take 3 teaspoons of silver 3 times a day for 3 days to kill an infection and top up with one teaspoon 3 times a day for a further 3 days. If you want to take this substance so be it. In the end, all I can really say is that my clients (myself included) who used and continue to use NutriBiotic Citricidal have had no problems with it. I feel it is deceitful of health food companies to advertise it as a natural product. There is no anti-microbial effect in grapefruit seeds so the infection should get worse. You said: Synthetic chemicals are not inherently bad. I am keen to seek a more natural approach to the things I need in my life. 3% of the liquid GSE sample. My life or my husbands would not be the same without grapefruit seed oil. I have ingested colloidal silver 3 x 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 3 days for an infection (viral) and did feel better. Clearly you have not read the all the articles or all my comments on this. Try this delicious Baked Cinnamon Apple recipe for a healthy Fall snack, specifically designed by our registered dietitians at Diet. I remember reading somewhere that women can put on as many as 600 different chemicals when they get ready for the day in shower gels, shampoos, conditioners, face products, make-up, deodorant, perfume. Posted on October 3, 2010 by Marianne Gutierrez. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration has taken action against some manufacturers of colloidal silver products for making unproven health claims.

Silver is a natural component of the soil. Anytime I feel a sore throat showing up, I use this. I have suffered from a nasal fungus, for 7 years I have suffered from headaches, nasal discharges, horrible breath at any time of the day for no reasons, feeling of a ball stuck in my throat due to a incredible post nasal drip problem. Get some clean bottle water, boil it, add 2 netipot size of water on the boiler, warm it up, add 1 g exactly(one flat tea spoon) of Himalayan salt. Now I try not to take any antimicrobial substances as the end result of them is an upset gut whether a natural product is used or not. Any drug company could take up the idea, shove some of the drug into a piece of fruit or vegetable and call it a healthy way of curing diabetes or whatever disease the drug has been designed to cure. Then I eat plenty of fruit and veg to restore the gut flora. I have seen 4 specialists in 2 countries, but numerous doctors in a 3rd one. I used to take citricidal, did the citricidal cause my illness. Toxic overload has similar symptoms to candida and many conditions. One reason or another I came back to that damned white little bottle promising me relief. They are slowly banning ayurveda products as well because they have lost millions last year due to people using alternative natural products. Here is the toxic data about Benzethonium Chloride: and there are two ways of looking at the problem. I do agree with you, we are consuming more chemicals than we realise. Now then on to you and your nasal fungus. Without going to the lab and getting detailed lab reports I am unable to help you with the science of adding chemicals to blends. Good bacteria is made in our gut by eating fruit and vegetables. You may be correct, but with a little effort you can definitely make your own extract without the concerns of commercially prepared extracts. From the website: United States Environmental Protection Agency. I now do it every 3 days as a routine for the last 2 years, I never have been sick since, no more asthma, no more headaches, I feel like reborn again. It is widely used in the waste water industry to disinfect waste water. What other medicine or remedies you used prior to or during, or was your liver able to metabolize these substances properly. We all take hazardous drugs from time to time to clear up an infection but are informed of what we are being offered and so we can make an informed decision of whether to take the risk or not. The resulting extract is an effective bactericide, fungicide, and virucide, and is expected to be particularly effective in the treatment of HIV infections. So could we cut through all the pros and cons, and just state what you feel we should use instead. Thank you for reading my website and thank you for your comments. But the toxic chemical when left with its counterparts it is grown with has its toxicity counterbalanced. We can all make a more informed choice as a result. But I would be hesitant to attack the blogger. The national candida society does not suggest citrocidal or grapefruit seed extract SHOULD be used, and it does have other products that may help. That of course is the point: the individual must make up their own minds. They have now been banned, they are deemed carcinagenic. The following week she was so much better and was sleeping better too. The ingredients on the Citricidal that I use are: Vegetable glycerine, Citricidal Grapefruit Seed Extract 34% (contains grapefruit extractives, glycerine, antioxidants: ascorbic acid). Chemicals are found in nature bound to other chemicals and work in harmony, balance and sometimes antagonistic with the other bound chemical structures they are naturally found with. If you can tolerate tea-tree then use it neat direct on the itchy area, it will sting but tea-tree also has an analgesic action and so will help the sting sensation. How on earth can that be proved without clinical trials. Are you saying that this product contains Benzethonium Chloride because of the way it was produced. The best relief I have given myself from candida is to avoid all processed foods and most any source of carb or sugar (even some veggies and fruit). When the itch has gone, then apply extra virgin olive oil 5 mls and one drop of tea-tree and thoroughly moisturise the area with this solution. There is no reality to your view of them being bound or unbound. That is such good news that Denmark has BANNED grapefruit seed extract (Citricidal). But in the right doses can be supportive. At the moment my regime consists of fivelac,citricidal,oxygen elements max and this is restoring my health as long as I forgo any carbs of any type for the moment. So, Ms Marianne Gutierrez what do you recommend. My only criticism is that the pressed juice from the seeds in her experiment are different than an extract. It is odd really when you read all the comments here on this website on Citricidal, which can only have it antimicrobial affect from the chemical used in its manufacture which is toxic to plants and animals. Amen Tony. One does feel better when killing off a microbe that is making one feel ill, the objection is to the product being advertised as natural when it is not. The chemical used was benzethonium chloride but it may be some other chemical now. I have a close friend who has found tremendous help from colloidal silver (for a different health problem than my own). It is such a strong disinfectant that it will kill all bacteria and aquatic organisms at lethal concentrations. Some claim it to have changed their life and some blame it for putting them in hospital. I mind the side-effects of using unnatural products and I used to mistakenly think that it was natural. Silver sulfadiazine is used to treat serious burns. The cause of my nausea was foods with sulphites and since stopping those I feel very well. However, no sound scientific studies to evaluate these health claims have been published in reputable medical journals. Citricidal or Grapefruit Seed extract is a chemical because it has been denatured with toxic substances. Using an unnatural product to solve the problems caused by other unnatural products could be argued to be the cause of many health problems. Wherever I look on the web, the sites suggests that grapefruit seed extract is antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal but without evidence that there is scientific evidence that the grapefruit seeds themselves have these properties. In health shops we are led to believe this is not the case, and that is what I understand Ms. There are many chemical journal articles about the quantitative analysis of GSE. I wanted others to know this so that they could be discerning on what they chose to use. Show me an independent lab test that shows that Citricidal actually contains Benzethonium Chloride. A ground mixture (80:20 by weight) of dried grapefruit seeds and grapefruit pulp respectively is subjected to extraction using an equal amount by weight of glycerin. I used it as directed and I have not had a single strep throat in 3 years plus I still have my tonsils. The drug used in making grapefruit seed extract is used in agriculture for its antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties. You said: Any argument you may put forward containing technical or chemical terms have little credibility if you decide to make up your own definitions in this way. The only reason I see this to be banned is because pharmaceutical companies are losing money on Sinus products because this is really the killer for post nasal drip, nothing comes as close as GSE. It proliferates when too much sugar or refined flours are consumed. Citricidal is a drug and should not be allowed to be sold in Health Shops or any other health industry. Health Impact: Suspected skin or Sense Organ Toxicant. I am also using it on a fungal toe nail infection for the past year and the infection is nearly gone. When I now tell my friends and family noone can believe that specialist gave me medecine way more dangerous than GSE for 7 years, and in only 30 seconds with 3 drops of that, my whole life turned upside down. What was irritating me with the stuff was that I had been hoodwinked into believing it was natural and at the time I had a health issue and I was trying to reduce chemicals to nil. I have read several other articles on BZC which would seem to infer that BZC may be added at the end of the process as a preservative, but I think they misinterpreted the data. You say that the non cold pressed grapefruit seed extract has only good results. Medicinal drugs are preferred by some because they are stronger and work quicker in the body so providing more immediate relief. I have found a charcoal supplement very helpful as this drives toxins out of the body even mercury apparently. However thank you for alerting me to this and I will continue to keep an eye on things. My gut became ultra sensitive and it has taken a long time to reverse what I consider to be the damage caused by taking antimicrobial substances. For me it is clear, using a proprietary blend of GFSE my infection diminished. In this case I used tea-tree and olive oil in a blend with lavender on the skin and asked the patient to stop eating sugar and anything with sugar in. Some 48 years ago I obtained amazing results for ulcerative colitis from comfrey tablets. However I do agree one cannot blame something for a disease without evidence. My article to get Citricidal banned was labelled so to get attention. My own research shows that the compounds that were identified in Germany and Europe were in products other than citricidel. However there are plenty of plants and animals that are poisonous. With all due respect Marianne, this non-technical approach to chemistry has little validity in the real world. Exposure of the skin or the eye may cause toxic symptoms. Colloidal silver fights virus and fungus and bacteria so a very useful product. INteresting reading through all the links and info about GSFE and Benzethonium chloride. Natural products work more in harmony with the body and so there are fewer side-effects. Thank you for taking time out to comment on my website and here is a recipe that may really cure your overgrowth. Summer is upon us in upstate New York. I am chemically sensitive but can tolerate sodium nitrates in bacon and ham. When I was using it for a topical ringworm treatment, my skin became very irritated, almost like a very bad sunburn. I prefer topical applications of colloidal silver or tea-tree. I have just checked the product on the Higher Nature website. Maybe it did not work on you because you used it undiluted or your type of fungus fed on it but my fungus, died on contact. Natural products untouched by big pharma comanies or cosmetics companies are also full of chemicals. You helped me gain some info and jump-started my own research. Secondly the public deserves to be able to make informed choices and allowing the individual to assume that Grapefruit Seed Extract is natural denies them their right to choose between natural and synthetic. Here is what NIOSH say about that: Benzethonium Chloride. It is a bit like putting paracetamol into an apple and selling the apple as a natural painkiller. They found that in spite of the fact numerous studies have been made in the past decades, but many scientists are still uncertain of its safety. You said: Many naturally occurring chemicals can be toxic, irritant, etc. In the days long gone when I used grapefruit seed extract, I used it diluted and on unbroken skin. And we should not be encouraging the use of toxic chemicals that destroy the fauna and flora of our environment. Candida is what some people use Citricidal for and using Citridical will kill the good bacteria as well and this good bacteria is what keeps the bad and yeasts like candida in check. I used to use the product some 10 years ago when it was recommended by a homeopath for my allergies. Higher amounts of benzethonium chloride were found in powder GSE samples. So in effect you may re-creating your condition and making the candida worse. When you click on the link in their text, the introduction on the pdf states: Commercial grapefruit seed extracts (GSE) were extracted with chloroform. If anyone thinks that Citricidal or grapefruit seed extract is a natural antimicrobial product this article and subsequent comments is illustrating otherwise. I also know how easy it is to contaminate a sample and get false positive results from testing for bacteria or coliforms. I finally cleared up the ringworm with natural medicines. This is what they say on the Nutriteam website. Numerous reactions are involved, including distillation, catalytic conversion, and ammoniation. Then at home, I followed what a german specialist told me once. I also use tea-tree and olive oil (olive oil and olive leaf have anti-parasitic qualities) on my skin. It is about a finding the right dosage to use so that it continues to be beneficial and not become a poison. But how many would one have to consume I wonder for that to be true. Colloidal silver products also come in forms to be injected or applied to the skin. Any argument you may put forward containing technical or chemical terms have little credibility if you decide to make up your own definitions in this way. So one does need to be careful and I do wonder if the use of the relatively cheap and easy to use Citricidal masks what really is wrong in the body. Good bacteria feeds off the natural sugars in vegetables and fruit so these foods will help. It should not be allowed as a preservative in Health Products. It used to be a chemical used on farm animals and the farming industry which killed the fauna and flora around the factory where it was produced, now I believe some other chemical is used. It gave very good results and even cleared my skin from the occasional acne flare up. You come across as some delusional idiot who wants a soapbox for her internet ramblings. The truth is that many natural products are far less regulated than synthetic ones, and will contain far more isomers, impurities, etc. Ascorbic acid is synthetic vitamin c and while this boosts the immune system and in extremely high concentration in a test tube (apparently) can kill the HIV virus, this form kills good and bad bacteria. I just put my faith (maybe naively) in the authorities not allowing a product to be sold for all these years if it was dangerous. If you think it is natural then buy a grapefruit, take out the seed, crush the seed, get hold of the gunge from inside the seed and smear it on your infected toe-nails and see if the infection continues to clear up or gets worse. The main constituent was identified as benzethonium chloride, a synthetic antimicrobial agent commonly used in cosmetics and other topical applications. All I do know is that the seeds from organically grown grapefruits that were cold-pressed to obtain the pulp from inside the seed did not have an anti-microbial effect and in a test in a professional lab, actually grew bacteria and yeasts. I was warned to dilute it more, but eventually had to stop using it, even at minimal concentrations, because of the irritation. GFSE seems to help my intestines feel better, but I always develop a curious side effect. Well spotted Janelle, if the product is banned, then no-one can make a choice. Please stop blogging until you get a clue about basic chemistry and a degree of common sense. You may also like to investigate the possibility of food intolerance through hair analysis testing or blood testing. than their synthetic counterparts. Many health products sold in Health Shops have citricidal or grapefruit seed extract listed as a preservative. I was shocked when I discovered the agricultural chemical used in the producing of citricidal and then the knowledge of the lack of microbial activity in organic cold pressed grapefruit seeds. You will wear shorter sleeves, shorter pants and possibly a bathing suit. Many naturally occurring chemicals can be toxic, irritant, etc. Then you need to eat a good diet of foods with as few pesticides and additives as possible so freshly grown from a local source would be good and avoid all manufactured foods from bread to tinned soup to frozen vegetables. You said: There is no reality to your view of them being bound or unbound. See this link to an article from Harvard Medical School. I often felt nauseous and grapefruit seed extract sorted that immediately. I try very hard not to use antibiotic substances synthetic or natural. Yes the chemical in it certainly does kill everything. There are plenty of pubmed studies showing the effectiveness of Citricidal and to make matters worse for your idiotic website, Nutribiotic provides test results from an independent lab showing ZERO synthetic preservatives. Yes well, as you realise, any amount of this stuff is dangerous, I think. 1 percent or lower and is not advised for oral use. The sooner we get away from this hysteria about chemicals the faster we can have a sensible debate about purities and dosage levels. She quit when she started seeing that when there was a safety concern with the new drug, the drug company executives gave her orders not to mention the safety concern to the doctors. The trouble with using antibiotic substances whether natural or not is that the antimicrobial substance kills all good and bad bacteria. According to the Association of Poison Control Centers, the AMA Physician Reporting System, and the Journal of Emergency Medicine, there have been no reports that Citricidal has ever harmed anyone. Angela Gargano shows us that workouts can be done almost anywhere. I am not a chemist or a scientist what follows is my understanding. Any and all anti-microbial products will kill the good bacteria as well as the bad and should never be used regularly but sporadically when there is an obvious need and always with the advice of a Health Practitioner. There are two aspects here: We should not be consuming an antimicrobial product ad lib, it is very bad for health. I would like to thank you for posting this information. Do more research before you get up on a soapbox. Omega 3 fish oils as do other fruit and seed oils, ie olive oil, also help support the gut to an over-production of candida and maintains the gut environment, keeping it healthy. In fact it is not available in Europe or Japan and as such was never tested. And tea tree and olive oil is good on the skin on a daily basis. I hope this helps you understand my version of the differences between seeking out natural in preference (but not always possible) to synthetics.

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